White Card Course Melbourne
A White Card Course Melbourne For Construction Workers and Plumbers
Avoid Serious Injuries and take a white card course in Melbourne with COVE Training
Another plumbing company has been convicted and fined over an incident in which an apprentice was seriously burned when he made contact with powerlines. A white card course Melbourne could have provided a very different outcome. H&A Majestic Plumbing Pty Ltd pleaded guilty to one charge containing two contraventions of section 21(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 in that it failed to provide a workplace that was safe and without risks to health.
It was fined $40,000 in the Broadmeadows Magistrates’ Court and ordered to pay $9,713 in costs.
Apprentice burned by powerlines
The court heard the 23-year-old apprentice was working alone. He was installing fascia and guttering from the top level of scaffolding at a residential housing site at Coburg. The incident occurred in October 2015.
The apprentice received substantial burns to his left shoulder, arm and leg when guttering he was carrying made contact with 22kv powerlines. He received hospital treatment for three months and is still recovering from his injuries.
The scaffolding had been erected just 1.84 metres from overhead powerlines, which was within the minimum safe clearance distance or ‘no go zone’. However no permit was obtained to erect the scaffolding.
The plumbing company H&A Majestic also failed to prepare the Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) required for high risk construction work and failed to obtain a permit for working in a ‘no go zone’ on scaffolding close to the high voltage powerlines. In the white card course Melbourne you learn about safe work practices to help you to work safely and prevent serious injury.
In January this year Dhillon Scaffolding Pty Ltd, who erected the scaffolding, was convicted. They were fined $100,000 and ordered to pay $3,503.45 in costs following the same incident. Dhillon was charged with breaching Section 26 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. They failed to ensure that workplace was without risks to health and safety.
Dhillon failed to obtain a permit to erect scaffolding within the ‘no go zone’. They also failed to ensure any scaffolding within the zone was erected in accordance with such a permit.
What Will Learn?
- Basic legal requirements and obligations of construction workers
- Proper identification of hazards
- Basic first aid
- Emergency procedures
White Card Course Details:
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
White Card Course Melbourne Equals More Skills, More Money and a Safer Workplace
WorkSafe said ignoring the risks of scaffolding near overhead powerlines showed blatant disregard for safe work practices.
“A young worker was severely injured because no one took the time to ensure scaffolding erected within the minimum safe distance of powerlines had the correct safeguards in place” he said.
“Scaffolding failures can have catastrophic consequences, and in this case, the young worker is lucky to be alive. It would be considered very prudent that every business involved in the construction industry put their workers through a white card course Melbourne.
“Every employer in Victoria must provide a safe workplace. Young workers, who may be working in close proximity to overhead powerlines, rightly expect that they will head home at the the end of the day safely.”
Tips for maintaining safe scaffolds include
- Complying with ‘no go zone’ requirements where scaffolding is erected, dismantled or in use near overheard powerlines.
- Compliance with ‘Permit to Work’ requirements issued by the power distribution company.
- Ensuring engineering approval is obtained where shade-mesh or hoarding is affixed to scaffolding.
- Supplying design drawings for complex scaffolding.
- Ensuring employees have been provided with any necessary information, instruction or training for the safe use of scaffolds
The more qualified you are, the more you’ll be paid. That’s usually how it works. Getting your White Card from COVE Training is the first step on your road to becoming a construction master. We run courses in Seaford, Dandenong and Thomastown.
Call us today on (03) 8773 9000 or visit our course calendar for dates, times and locations.
(RTO) No. 21386
4.9 out 5 stars (based on 1552 reviews)
Construction Industry White Card
Easy to follow content and good presentation style, which covered off on the requirements and met my expectations.
Mark O
White Card
Really enjoyed the course and Lucas the instructor was a great source of knowledge. Very much enjoyed interacting with everyone, a few of which were extremely knowledgeable and happy to add their take on things. All in all – glad I did the course at Cove Training.
Jackie Hughes
COVE White Card Induction
Good, detailed induction with a particular emphasis on managing Workplace Health and Safety issues. Good interactive, online session. Tommy did a great job in taking us through everything we needed to know.
Irene Dietrich
Where can I complete my White Card in Melbourne?
This course is delivered in a classroom and practical based setting from our Dandenong, Seaford and Thomastown locations.
We can also come to your site if you have ten or more participants.
What time do the White Card courses start?
White Card training starts at 8:00 am at our Dandenong and Seaford sites and 8:30 am at Thomastown.
Are there any breaks?
There are morning tea breaks and lunch breaks during all courses.
What are the options for lunch and food?
Seaford and Thomastown both have lunch shops within walking distance. At Dandenong a lunch truck visits the site at 12:15 every weekday. Best to bring your own food on the weekends. We provide a fridge, microwave and sandwich maker. Tea, coffee and filtered water are provided on all of our sites.
What do I need to bring with me?
You need a sun hat or raincoat depending on the weather. We provide sunscreen. We ask that everyone brings their own hi vis vest due to Covid. Closed in footwear is mandatory for all classes, we do recommend protective footwear where possible. Protective footwear is mandatory for plant and machinery courses and dogging.
Do I have to complete any online pre course work?
First Aid, CPR and Traffic Refresher courses have online work that is to be completed before attending your classes. Failing to complete the online component may result in you being unable to finish the course on the day your are enrolled.
Do I need to complete my workbook before attending a class?
Completing the workbook prior to plant and machinery courses is recommended. All other courses have access to the learner guides and students are welcome study these prior to their courses.
I have difficulties with language, literature or numeracy, can I still complete the course?
At Cove Training we endeavour to help all students be successful. This may involve verbal rather than written assessment. Students attending the course on several occasions before undertaking assessment. Sometimes we may provide a student with a learner guide and advise they study it and return in a few weeks. We try and find the best solution for each students learning requirements. We do offer White Card courses in languages other than English with an interpreter.